Bronx Acupuncture Therapy, P.C., v. Hereford Ins. Co., Slip Copy, 2017 WL 416732 (Table), 2017 N.Y. Slip Op. 50101(U) Provider billed for 97039 and 99199 of the workers’ compensation fee schedules. Plaintiff submitted three claim forms to defendant which included charges for moxibustion, under
Maiga Products Corp., v. Unitrin Auto and Home Insurance Company, Slip Copy, 2017 WL 416985 (Table), 2017 N.Y. Slip Op. 50113(U) Assignor failed to appear for examinations under oath (EUOs). Although Plaintiff’s moving papers failed to establish either that defendant had failed to deny the cla
Golden Earth Chiropractic & Acupuncture, PLLC, v Global Liberty Insurance Company of New York, 54 Misc.3d 31, 2016 WL 7018840 (N.Y.Sup.App.Term), 2016 N.Y. Slip Op. 26395 Lower arbitrator determined that the independent medical examination IME scheduling letters were defective because they cal